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Workshop F13

Twenty First Century Skills for a Tester

Emna Ayadi

Ard Kramer

14:00-15:45 CEST Friday 10th June

What are the skills that you need to survive the digital 21st century? Soft Skills! In our tutorial, we will tell you how we explored these skills and we need your tips to help others!

In this fast-changing world, you can ask yourself, what are the skills that I should have to be able to make a difference with the colleagues around me?

Some will think that hard skills will make the difference but when you look around in your organization and what kind of persons are successful as in appreciated, valued, and just nice people? Mostly, people who are able to use their soft skills! And these soft skills are seen as the distinct skills to excel in the 21st century.

The summary of the skills of the 21st century can be defined with 4 C’s; Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity, and Collaboration.

With this knowledge we started our journey with a simple question: How do those 4 C’s relate to testing: are testers already applying those skills or have they thought about how to apply them in the future?

The result of our journey was a book: “the 21st-century skills for testers” where testers all around the world answered those two questions. They shared their stories about how they communicate, how they apply critical thinking in their organization, how they collaborate with team members, and how they apply critical thinking as a tester.

In our tutorial, we are very curious how attendees of the EuroSTAR apply the 21st-century skills in their work. Can the attendees give tips for others on how to improve those 21st-century skills. So what are we going to do during our tutorial ? First, we will start the first round. We will challenge the attendees to get inspiration and share their thoughts on how they apply these skills at their work right now. These thoughts and experiences will be the inspiration for the second round. This round is focused on reflecting on new ideas and sharing your inspirations, tips how to improve the 4C’s. Then you can also elaborate what has been shared during your round by adding new ideas in every round.

They will have the opportunity to write down the tips on flipcharts. The results of the flipcharts will be the input for us to write the extension of our book and we will mention everybody that participated in this session.