Tutorial A

Kick Ass Testing

Robert Sabourin

Ben Simo, Claudiu Stoianof

09:00-17:00 Tuesday 11th June

The problem
How do testers deal with change? Rob, Ben, and Claudiu have looked deeply into the evolution of testing fundamentals, and concluded that kick ass testing is possible – if testers can drive their work based on proven fundamentals. This workshop focuses on what these fundamentals are, and how we can learn to apply them.

Basic fundamentals can be applied to evolving problems. Dramatically different technologies can be isolated from the skills needed to test them. Mastering fundamentals enables you to work in this fast paced environment. Testers are faced with more turbulence than ever before – the number of factors to consider in testing are growing at an immense pace – testers must learn to think on their feet, and testers must solve complex problems in tightly constrained contexts.

Non technical stakeholders often view testing as a bottleneck – but that is a perception related to observing work rather than understanding value. Testing fundamentals can help you associate what we learn with what stakeholders really care about, and use feedback mechanisms to help deliver high quality products in a timely and efficient manner (not just pass fail rates mapped to silly performance indicators).

The workshop
The authors of this powerful workshop-based tutorial have been able to solve a plethora of real world testing conundrums by applying a blend of testing fundamentals. Many challenges continue to be met with a wide variety of fundamental tools and techniques. In this workshop, not only will the basic theory be described, but delegates will have a chance to apply the methods in small group exercises, and then review how the methods were applied in real world case studies.

Delegates will learn how to identify and learn about more testing fundamentals which can help kick ass and get things done – especially the hard stuff.


It is preferred but not required that participants bring a laptop. If you don’t have one, a smart phone and/or sharing with fellow group members can work. Participants will need internet access.