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Tutorial J

Building your Software Tester Survival Guide

Dawn Haynes

14:00-17:30 CEST Tuesday 28th Sept

In 2011, Alberto Savoia – former Engineering Director at Google, delivered a keynote entitled, “Test is Dead.” The follow-up 2012 book, “How Google Tests Software” outlines Google’s fast and frequent delivery method with minimal testing. What manager or executive wouldn’t like the sound of that? While all this “talk” can be daunting for any career tester, we can carefully listen to this industry chatter, monitor fads and trends, seek to understand these messages, and PREPARE ourselves for survival!

It’s been a decade since Alberto foretold the tester apocalypse, and so where are we now? In the cloudy-Agile-DevOps-Lean world, where do software testing professionals fit? And how about Test Managers? Are you struggling to get enough testing time, staff, tools, and information to provide sufficient testing services to support your team in making product-related decisions throughout the development lifecycle? Are you searching for “industry best practices” in the hopes that they will save you and enable a quality delivery, or are you searching for what’s appropriate for your team, project, and company, with minimal impact and cost?

In this session, Dawn provides a model for evaluating a team’s testing needs and comparing it to current processes in use. With examples and interactive group work, we’ll assess test planning and test documentation methods, bug reporting needs and schemes, test status information and methods of delivery, and the utilisation of test automation and exploratory testing methods.

While using this model, we will challenge our beliefs and assumptions about software testing and the role of a software test professional. From processes and work products to terminology and attitudes, we need to question everything! In reality, we need to TRANSFORM our notions about the tasks, effort, people, and tools related to testing and quality to keep pace with changes in our industry, organisations, and teams.

Join Dawn and determine if you are ready to meet Alberto Savoia’s fated future …
“Cloudy with a chance of tests!”