The Community Meeting Point
Located in the heart of the EXPO, the EuroSTAR Community Hub will play host to a variety of activities and networking events, run by community volunteers. It’s aimed at connecting diverse and international delegates, and enabling knowledge sharing outside of the official talks. Take a break from the busy day and make some new friends!

Topic Meet-Ups
Enjoy open discussions on specified testing topics with your fellow attendees and speakers. Get involved and hear their perspectives when you join our topic meet-ups in the Community Hub .

Games & Giveaways
Win awesome swag & fun giveaways! Meet the Community Volunteers and EuroSTAR Team during the networking breaks, play games with fellow attendees, test your skills & have fun.

Whether you are new to EuroSTAR to a frequent attendee, there are always opportunities to make new friends. There will be a Speed-Meet session on Wednesday & Thursday.
The EuroSTAR Test Clinic has helped answer these queries:
Test Lab
Join for Hands on Testing. The Test Lab facilitates learning by doing. This is where attendees and speakers get to attempt a variety of challenges..
Run by testers for testers, we have set up a range of environments and testable systems to explore. It’s an open, friendly atmosphere so you are included in the conversation no matter what your level of experience. There will be plenty of testing challenges to get you started.

Stay in the Loop
We want to ensure you never miss important announcements, updates and special offers from EuroSTAR.