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Track Talk Th20

Advocating Quality in Finland’s Biggest Company

Sami Söderblom

Dong Pham

15:45-16:30 CEST Thursday 15th June

Quality Advocacy (QA) promotes activities that have a positive impact on quality. These include, but are not limited to; training, coaching and supporting people in quality and testing related matters, facilitating a quality community, keeping people informed what happens in the world of quality and implementing relevant testing practices. This is of course everyone’s responsibility, but the bigger and more complex context grows, the bigger the need for focused QA professionals gets. And there’s none bigger in Finland than its biggest company, SOK.

This is a story about Dong and Sami. They are two QA professionals, who work in close collaboration, but on different organisational contexts within SOK. Dong is where the rubber meets the road. He explores software systems and related processes and practices, implements automation, produces vast amounts of valuable information and insight on quality and ultimately is equal among people who build and run SOK’s hotel and restaurant web services. Sami on the other hand makes sure that people like Dong have everything they need to succeed and feel well, builds stronger QA functions throughout the organisation, creates buzz for QA and occasionally wrestles with management and HR, so that the people doing actual work don’t have to. 😉

Come a see how Quality Advocacy has been practiced in the biggest company of Finland.