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Track Talk Th18

Automatic Accessibility Tests for All

Cecilie Haugstvedt

15:45-16:30 CEST Thursday 15th June

There’s a lot of strange stuff on the internet. Some sites are a nightmare to navigate for everyone, others are just terrible for people with disabilities. Some websites are impossible to navigate with a screen reader. Others contain keyboard traps or use colors better suited to camouflage the text than to make it readable.

Fortunately for us, the web is built by people. We can make it accessible. There are several tools that can be of great help if you want to verify that you are creating an accessible website. Automated accessibility tests can be of even greater help, freeing up time to focus on the changes that will make your site better for everyone.

In this talk you’ll learn what automatic accessibility tests are, why you should use them and how you can use them in a project. Along the way, you’ll learn about some of the most common accessibility errors that can be detected automatically.