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Track Talk F3

Automation Circus: A Lightning Introduction to Automated Testing Frameworks

Dylan Lacey

09:00-09:45 CEST Friday 16th June

Three things are certain: Death, Taxes, and the introduction of new testing frameworks (I’m looking at YOU, Javascript Community!) Keeping on top of industry trends so you can chat around the water-cooler is a monumental task, especially when there’s so many new TikToks to watch…. So don’t! CHEAT!

Come on a lightning-fast tour, demonstrating the same two tests across as many contemporary testing frameworks as possible. Enjoy freshly crafted Opinions™️, and take some home to use in your own workplaces. Thrill at the highs and lows of different approaches, and wonder at how after a while they all seem to look the same! We’ll explore learning new things and how you can carry on the show in your own company.

Look, getting along with your colleagues is important, and staying relevant is part of that… But no-one said it had to be boring.

*{Jazz Hands}!*