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Track Talk W5

How Minimalism Helps Build High-Quality Products

Lina Zubyte

12:00-12:45 CEST Wednesday 14th June

“Let’s get a new tool, it will solve our problem” – when I hear this, I cringe. I love tools, but a lot of times as humans we tend to overengineer, oversolutionize, and overcomplicate our situations with too quick solutioning. Do we even understand the problem well enough?

As a quality analyst, I often ask questions that may be uncomfortable: it’s much easier to try to add a band-aid on a wound than to reflect on how to prevent it altogether. However, it’s necessary. Do not despair, though, I have some good news! It’s… reasonably simple.

In this talk, I’ll share what thoughts we could take from minimalism, and apply them in the exciting tech world. I’ll remind you of some valuable techniques for better efficiency, and, hopefully, inspire you to simplify your work ways.