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Tutorial C

Let’s Build a Continuous QA Strategy around your CI/CD Pipeline

Szilard Szell

09:00-17:00 CEST Tuesday 13th June

Building a Test Strategy in DevOps is not only about Test Automation, but how built-in quality can be achieved in all steps of the SW development, within and outside of your CI/CD pipeline. This is not a task to be achieved by a Test Manager alone, but a whole team exercise, involving all stakeholders. Thus, this very much supports the conference theme of ‘Software Development is a Social Activity”.

What is the goal of your testing? What quality aspects are more and what is less important for your domain? What are the major risks? What testing steps should be included in a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery pipeline, and where to focus with Exploratory Testing? How to utilize the new QA opportunities available by applying DevOps practices? Don’t just string together existing manual processes! – in this tutorial, we will use simple, collaborative tools to design something better!

The interactive tutorial will help teams to learn how QA is extended to the left and to the right in DevOps, how to design your QA pipeline with simple cards and what other testing related activities to be agreed on, to have a full test strategy.

In this hands-on tutorial for teams of 5-6 people, we will use several card games, as well as Sticky notes to identify parts of a Test Strategy and to design a CI/CD pipeline into its core. (however, we do not use actual CI/CD tools as the technical implementation of the pipeline is not the scope here).

The format is a series of lectures and discussions to share the needed theory and exercises to practice what we have learned. Throughout the exercises, teams will build a full Test Strategy for pre-selected scenarios and contexts in breakout sessions, followed by presentations and discussions.