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Tutorial F

API Exploratory Testing with Postman

Gil Zilberfeld

09:00-12:30 Tuesday 11th June

Postman is an API invocation tool.

When we’re thinking about APIs testing, we use it for operating and checking that the APIs work correctly. But not today. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use Postman to do exploration testing of APIs.

What is exploratory testing anyway? How is it different to ‘regular testing’? And how does that apply to APIs? And is Postman up to the task?

I’ll explain the theory behind exploratory tests, and why APIs are a prime candidate for that because they are so complex. We need to explore how they behave before releasing them into the wild.

And don’t forget some Postman tips for that ‘regular testing’ bit. Postman is a powerful tool, and it makes sense to know it a bit better.

It’s exploration time!


Laptops are required. If you don’t come in with one, we’ll pair you but it is recommended to have laptops. You will also need to have Postman installed. It’s open source, and can be downloaded freely. You can work through the web, but you must have a Postman account (free). While not required for Postman installations, Gil recommends for attendees new to Postman to create an account in Postman, so your data will be saved other than locally. It is not a requirement for the workshop.