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Tutorial B

What Are You Doing Here? Become an Awesome Leader in Testing

Ard Kramer

Laveena Ramchandani

09:00-17:00 Tuesday 11th June

It looks so simple but it’s so hard to achieve: The optimal conditions for conducting testing. Because if you want that testing to be done effectively, testers need to have space around them, and inside their head. After all, it’s not a skill where you blindly follow a script and see if the outcome matches your expectations.

It’s a mindset in which you need to get to know and challenge an application. Getting to know it requires multiple perspectives: everything from the intended value to the technical solutions to achieve that. Additionally, it’s all human work, and humans are fallible. We all have biases and cognitive errors that we make, which can be the source of unexpected behavior in an application. As testers, we seek out these thinking errors, from the ones we start with in software development, to the ones that may manifest in production because our end users turn out to be excellent testers as well.

To successfully navigate this entire cycle, testers need mental space to apply creativity, make mistakes, and conduct research and experiments on software, in collaboration with colleagues. This requires an environment that facilitates such activities. But how well are we equipped to create these conditions?

This takes leadership!

In our workshop, we want to help you feel capable of creating good conditions. We will use the perspectives of an (agile) tester, and a test lead/manager. During the workshop, we will lead you through different software development phases, where you should be able to manage your testing and the expectations of others. Therefore we also have exercises to improve your (inter)personal skills.

Upon exiting the room, you will have gained valuable insights, received intriguing input, and completed interesting exercises that equip you to become a leader in testing.