We are so delighted to welcome the 2019 TeamSTAR winners, WrotQA to Prague! Get to know the team members in this blog post and learn what talks, sessions and events they will be attending at EuroSTAR. If you see them at EuroSTAR, be sure to say hello and get a selfie! There is a competition on the EuroSTAR Conference app for best photo, so don’t be afraid to get social! 🙂 Here’s what they have to say..
Get to know the WrotQA Team
We’re now counting our last days to finally go to Prague and attend EuroSTAR, what a great feeling to be the part of this event! Meanwhile – we’re slowly planning our agendas to use it to the max. Check out our plans below and also a few words of introduction about ourselves:
Lukasz Pietrucha
I am a co-founder and co-organizer of WrotQA. Passionate about quality and lean/agile development approach and its everyday evangelist. I am a big fan of Context-driven testing school. I believe that „it depends” is always a good starting point to answer a difficult question… 😉 This is my 2nd EuroSTAR, so I am definitely planning to visit social zones, knowing how great they are: The Huddle and Test Clinic among others. As for tracks Change & Growth and Teams & Organisations both seem very interesting and it will be a tough choice, willing to somehow magically attend all the talks ;). As a statistics freak Measuring Release Quality & Delivering Value and A Critical Approach to Using Analytics for Testing are both must see for me. Supporting our Polish fellows Emilia Lendzion-Barszcz and Adam Matlacz is also on the agenda. To put a cherry on top, how could it will be to hear about automation for Boeing 777, right?! For Thursday I plan to visit Can’t Grow Without People by Marta Firlej and Quality Coaching in Scrum@Scale by Ashwin Desai. As for the after-lunch talks let’s see who get selected for a do-over. I didn’t mention all the keynotes intentionally as the names speak for themselves and it’s an obvious choice to watch them 🙂
Damian Zygmuntowicz
In general, I’m keeping an eye on the rest of the team so that they can release the highest quality software. For me being a tester is more than just checking new features. It’s more about taking care of the quality of the whole process in the software development in every possible way. Sometimes my teammates call me a FullStack tester. I deal with issues and ideas put forwarded by the client, take care about automation, starting from integration tests thru E2E testing. I also prepare and perform production deploys. Sometimes if an issue is not tricky I’m able to fix it by myself. In WrotQA i’m generally responsible for media, and again one man army I’m producer, filmmaker, montage, publisher. During EuroSTAR I will been trying be everywhere and see everything. I’m looking forward to Why is my Regression Pack full of Junk Tests by Andrew Brown. Also I would like to rediscover exploratory tests with Ingo Philipp, know more about the future along Martin Karsberg and get Pro tips how to be better Tester from Kwesi Peterson. Thursday will be the people day so Can’t Grow Without People is must and next Finding & Developing Good Software Testers
Dominika Góra
I am associated with QA for about 10 years, but my first experiences are from food and clothing industry. I have started my adventure in IT a few years ago as a software tester. Currently, I am a Product Owner. In free time, I am a co-organizer of WrotQA.
It will be my first time at the EuroSTAR Conference and I am really excited about that. I found it difficult to choose the most interesting talks. I will focus on topics connected to Leadership, Agile and UX/CX. I am very curious about EuroSTAR Huddle, Test Lab and Test Clinic. I hope there will be enough time to visit all these places and still have time for networking.
Paulina Gawron
My journey with quality began a few years ago in the production engineering industry. Now I am working in IT as a Senior Quality Assurance Engineer. My current project is focused on GIS and process coordination in infrastructure projects. In my free time, I organize with my friends the WrotQA meetups.
I am really glad that I have got the opportunity to be at the EuroSTAR Conference for the first time. I am most interested in topics related to Approaches & Techniques and Skills & Knowledge. I am also planning to visit EuroSTAR Huddle, ask the Doctor in the Test Clinic and check the Test Lab. I hope that I will have enough time to realize my plan.