Recently EuroSTAR Huddle hosted the first Deep Dive Week. The first edition was a Agile week with some testing experts exploring all aspects of Agile. Over the course of five days, six experts in Agile discussed and explored, answered your questions on every aspect of Agile. From documentation to Quality, automation to metrics, weekly schedules to team motivation, everything was taken apart, discussed and put back together with some excellent questions from an engaged audience. If you didn’t get to attend or are curious what took place, let’s take a look back at the week’s activities.
Gitte Ottosen kicked off the week with an insightful exploration of Quality. She looked at measurements and metrics, what is value and, in particular, the VOICE model and the Goal Question Metric, and how this could be beneficial to your team.
Wednesday heralded our first AMA of the week with Bob Galen who focused on testing in Agile contexts attracting a wide variety of questions. He discussed quality related metrics, where automation fits in Agile and test strategy in Agile projects.
Also on Wednesday, Selena Delesie joined us to explore peer to peer relationships in Agile and how to get the best out of your team. She shared some real-world examples from her own career on how to communicate within your own team and how you should think about working with others including management.
Next up, Hanna Dernbrant shared her story of migrating from Waterfall to DevOps. This included the role of the tester in DevOps, her weekly schedule and how her team works. I think we were all fascinated by her meetings!
Later on Thursday, Lisa Crispin held our second AMA. Looking at Testing in Continuous Delivery, Lisa answered many of your excellent questions. She shared her thoughts on test plans for fluid projects, use of mind maps, what metrics she recommends in CD projects, the best time to write automation tests in Agile methodology and lots more. A big shout out to Clare & Clare who came on screen to ask their questions!
Friday came all too quickly and the final live talk of our Agile Deep Dive was with Derk-Jan De Grood (a member of the EuroSTAR 2021 Programme Committee). Derk-Jan discussed Built-In Agile in an interactive and fun session. He explained the concept of built-in quality, gave some examples, discussed faults and its effect on the line, what should be maximum feedback times for different scenarios and answered lots of your questions.
The team at EuoSTAR Huddle are already working on the next Deep Dive week. We are sure it will be as engaging as the Agile week. In the meantime, stay tuned to EuroSTAR for the announcement of the EuroSTAR 2021 Programme which is happening very soon.