This month at EuroSTAR we have planned some great webinars to ensure that your testing is ahead of the testing game.
We are excited to have Paul Gerrard back with us with his webinar Future Skills of Software Testers. With the software testing industry constantly evolving, the tester needs to evolve too. Change in the industry means testing and tester skills need to change too. The current training that is there for testers is simply not enough- certification and courses available will not excel your testing and Paul is currently working on building a tester skill programme designed to meet the current and future needs of the testing community. With this webinar, learn to think for yourself!
We are also thrilled to have Ken Johnston with us from Microsoft with his webinar AB Testing is Hard: But You Should Do it Anyway. Experimentation, often called A/B Testing, has been around as a common practice for web sites for more than 20 years. With Microsoft Windows and Office, people now AB test not just UX Changes but also bug fixes. One thing we find all the time, it’s easier to mess up an AB test than it is to get it right. Everything from designing the test to actually prove the hypothesis to getting a proper distribution. It really is hard but even so, you need to get great at it and you just need to do it. Join Ken Johnston this month to learn how to build an experimentation culture, design good experiments and develop actionable data.
Register for all upcoming webinars this month and next and sign up to our newsletter to be the first to hear about the latest content coming your way!