Does your company offer a service or product that is critical to delivering a decision advantage? The opportunity to meet with and showcase your services to prospective clients should be viewed as a distinct marketing advantage. Knowing what your audience and business goals are, exhibitions provide a great platform to build strong relationships. with key people in your industry. Although social media is a booming industry, nothing beats a face-to-face marketing that can help gain quality leads. Exhibitions can also provide the opportunity to meet new faces and open your business to new markets.
By exhibiting at a business expo you also have the opportunity to meet a large target audience under one roof and in one day, that could take your sales team a number of months to reach. This saves time and reduces the period required to close a sales lead.
Here are the top 6 reasons why you should exhibit at a conference Thinking of exhibiting at a Software Testing Conference in 2019? Here are 6 reasons why you should. Let’s use EuroSTAR Expo as an example.
Promote Yourself
In today’s world, people tend to gravitate toward experiences that are authentic and real. And potential customers are more likely to believe a real person standing in front of them over an advertisement about how good a certain product or brand is. This is where exhibitors come in.
Brand Trust
Let’s face it -if you exhibit then you are more likely to be considered a serious business player. According to new marketing trends for 2019, personalized promotion, face-to-face promotion is going to be more crucial than ever. Additionally, if you exhibit regularly your product can be perceived to be popular and indeed successful.
Educate Customers and Prospects
Exhibiting at EuroSTAR, for example, can help you reach out to potential customers and tell them why your business is the right choice for them. You will educate and help them understand what your business is about.
In a world of strong competitors that are growing at a rapid pace, you need to be constantly looking for new ways to get out there and be visible. So you may you a fantastic online presence but to strengthen and grow there also needs to be a level of real visibility. Exhibitions can be ideal
Network with Testers
What better way to build strong connections than meeting and networking with software testers? At EuroSTAR, tea and coffee during breaks and lunch time is served at the expo. And this is where the amazing expo has time to shine.
Generating Customers
At the end of the day or conference, you want to gain more customers for your business! At EuroSTAR we have a long list of exhibitors that showcase their business for years now and at a satisfactory rate. You can see some of the 2019 exhibitors that have already signed up here.
These are just some of the many benefits associated with exhibiting your business at an expo. It’s important to spend some time doing the research needed for potential expos to find opportunities that will reap the greatest benefit for your business.