Thanks to b.ignited for providing us with this blog post.
In the world of software development, testing is an essential part of the process. It is through testing that we can ensure that the software being developed is fit for use, meets requirements, and is ready for release. However, there are some situations where test reporting does not reach management, which is a problem. Do you wonder why this might happen? What are the consequences? Because believe me, there are consequences! And most importantly, what can be done to avoid all of this?
To understand the importance of test reporting, it is important to understand what a good test report consists of. The report summarizes the results and findings of a testing process. It provides a comprehensive view of the testing activities, including the objectives, scope, and methodology of the testing, as well as the test cases, test scripts, and test data used. It serves as a formal record of the testing activities and provides stakeholders with a clear understanding of the quality of the product or system being tested. It is an important tool for decision-making, as it can help stakeholders determine whether the product or system is ready for release or further testing is required.
Why does test reporting not reach management?
There are a few reasons why test reporting might not be available to management.
One reason is that the testing team does not have the necessary resources to produce reports. This could be due to a lack of personnel, time or funding. Another reason could be that they do not recognize the value of producing reports. They may believe that their work speaks for itself, and that there is no need to provide additional documentation.
Another reason could be that the development team is focused on meeting deadlines and releasing software quickly. In this case, the testing team may not have enough time to produce reports and meet their other responsibilities.
Or it could be that the team is not aware of the importance of test reporting to management. They may not realize that management needs this information to make informed decisions about the software development process.
What are the consequences of not reporting?
There are several consequences of not reporting test results to management. One of the most significant consequences is that management will not have a clear view of the quality of the software being developed. Without this information, they may make decisions that are not in the best interest of the company. For example: releasing software that has not been adequately tested leads to customer complaints, negative reviews and even legal action.
Another consequence of not reporting is that the testing team may not receive the recognition they deserve for their hard work. When management is not aware of the effort of the testers, they may not appreciate the value of their work, leading to lower morale and decreased job satisfaction.
Not reporting test results can lead to a breakdown in communication between the testers and the other members of the development team. This can make it more difficult to identify and fix bugs, leading to longer development times and higher costs.
How can you avoid not reporting test results?
There are 4 simple steps:
- The first step is to ensure that the testing team has the necessary resources to produce reports. This might involve hiring additional personnel, providing more time for reporting, or increasing funding for testing activities.
- The second step is to educate the testers about the importance of test reporting to management. By explaining how this information is used, the testing team will be more motivated to produce reports.
- The third step is to make sure that reporting is integrated into the software development process. This might involve using automated tools to generate reports or creating templates that make it easy for the testing team to produce reports quickly.
- And the fourth and final step is to ensure that there is open communication between the testers and the other members of the development team. By sharing test results and collaborating on solutions, the development process can be more efficient and effective.
Test-Automation-as-a-Service: your test reporting solution
At b.ignited, we are convinced that there is yet another solution to ensure that test reporting is always up-to-date, namely using ‘b.ignition’. b.ignition is an in-house developed tool, with an underlying cloud architecture to provide test reporting. Users can log in via a portal and thus view and compare all information of current and historical test results. There is always an overview available of the test results status across projects. If necessary, a new test run can be started from the same portal, and the results are immediately included in the overview. b.ignition is set up in such a way that the customer can choose between a private or a public cloud, depending on the desired data security.
Understanding the value of test reporting
In conclusion, not reporting test results to management can have significant consequences for the software development process. By understanding why this might happen and taking steps to avoid it, you can ensure that the software being developed is of the highest quality and meets the needs of the customer. It is essential to recognize the value of test reporting to management and to make it a priority in the software development process.

Patrick Van Ingelgem, Managing Partner at b.ignited
Founded the company in 2018 after several years of experience in Test automation, -coordination and -management. He motivates his colleagues from b.ignited to always be on top of technology, and strongly believes in the power of knowledge and information. That’s why the topic on Test reporting is so important for him.
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